Judaism And Jewish Subversion In China - Sun Yat-sen Is Not A Chinese 犹太教与犹太人的颠覆,孙中山不是中国人!

Published on Jul 17, 2022
Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan, 孙中山, 孫中山), He is called the "Father of the Nation" in Taiwan, and depicted as the "Forerunner of the Revolution" in Mainland China. Sun Yat-sen is not a Chinese; he is a crypto-Jew, Rothschild's agent.

Russian academic and Jew Leonid Eilman reveals a Chinese student told him that communist heads Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai were Jews: "In Shanghai, Harbin, Jews who arrived from Russia already in this century, and there are a lot of ancient Jews. We call them "Hakka" — aliens. They speak Old Chinese and have thicker beards than the Chinese. They try not to mix with the local population, and after our revolution they entered the ranks of the party leaders: Zhou Enlai and his friend Deng Xiaoping!" ("The Jews of Kaifeng", Michael Pollack, N.Y., 1984.) The Hakkas play an important role in the Chinese government — former President of China, Sun Yat-sen, he was also a Hakka. The Hakkas are three times as likely to occupy high government and party positions than other Han Chinese. During the Chinese Civil War in 1949, 6 of the 9 Communist bases in southeast China were in Hakka counties.

The Soong family of Jewish bankers, they are clandestine Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews. Charles Jones Soong (Song Jiashu, 宋嘉树, 宋嘉澍) and Nyi Kwei-twang (Ni Guizhen, 倪桂珍) had 3 sons and 3 daughters. One of their daughters, Jewess Soong Ching-ling (Song Qingling, 宋庆龄) married Sun Yat-sen, while another Jewess Soong Mei-ling (Song Meiling, 宋美玲, 宋美齡) married Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi, 蔣介石, 蔣中正). Both of these female firebrands look like Chinese and were graduated from Wellesley College in the United States.

Anyone who inspects a good photograph of Sun Yat-sen will see that the man was not a pure Chinese, and will suspect that the other side of his heredity went back to Abraham. His subversion of China — initiated half a century of civil war and anarchy during which the Chinese population was the prey of an almost endless succession of enterprising bandits who called themselves "war lords" and repeatedly devastated throughout China.

One of the most successful of the "war lords" was Chiang Kai-shek, who may look like a Chinese. He seems throughout his life to have been directed by his wife, Jewess Soong Mei-ling. After he broke with the Communists, he proved himself a competent general and eventually ruled most of China until the Americans betrayed him to the Soviet-controlled Communists and he barely escaped to set up a government in exile on the Taiwan island, China.

There are many examples of famous political leaders, including the leader of the Taiping rebellion, Hong Xiuquan; former President of China, Sun Yat-sen; former "Chinese" Communist Party Chairman, Deng Xiaoping. Outside of China, the Hakkas also had many leaders, including former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew and his son and current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong; former President of Taiwan, Lee Teng-hui; current President of Taiwan, Ma Ying-Jeou; former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, and his younger sister and former Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra; former President of the Philippines, Corazon Aquino, and former President of Guyana, Arthur Chung. There is even a Hakka Supreme Court Chief Justice, Y.K.J. Yeung Sik Yuen, in the island of Mauritius.

Origin of the Hakkas

The Chinese characters for Hakka (客家) literally mean "Guest Families". We are not saying all Hakkas are Jews but the similarities are uncanny. It is commonly held that the Hakkas are originated in Central Plain (Shanxi and Henan provinces), Northern China. Migrants were referred to as Hakka and no specific people were referred to as Hakka at first. The precise movements of the Hakka people remain unclear during the 14th century when the Ming dynasty overthrew the Yuan dynasty. During the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (1661–1722) in the Qing dynasty, the newcomers to the coastal regions were registered as "Guest Households".

The Jewish Encyclopedia, referring the Chinese Jews of Kai-Fung-Foo, says that “many Jews have emigrated, during the Chinese wars with the Tatars, to Kiang-su, to Arnoy, and to Peking; but they have no synagogue in those places. A number of Jews have under English protection removed to Shanghai and Hongkong, where they have engaged in the opium and cotton trades." (Jewish Encyclopedia, V. 4, P. 36) Base on the information, many Jews like Kaifeng Jews have renamed "Hakka" to hide their origins. Remember that the Kaifeng Jews have populated in Henan, Central Plain.

History of the Jews in China

The contemporary term for Jews in use among Chinese today is Youtairen (You Tai Ren, 犹太人, 猶太人).

Kaifeng Jews (开封犹太人, 開封猶太人; Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou, Tiao Jin Jiao, 挑筋教; Blue-Hat Hui, 蓝帽回, 藍帽回), who are clandestine openly practiced Judaism. Kaifeng Jews, who are purported to have traveled from Persia to India during the mid-Han Dynasty and later migrated from the Muslim-inhabited regions of Northwestern China (modern day Gansu province) to Henan province during the early Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127). The earliest evidence showing the presence of Jews in China is from the beginning of the 8th century: a business letter written in the Judeo-Persian language in 718. The letter was found in Dandan Uiliq, an important post along the Silk Road in northwest China during the Tang Dynasty (618–907).

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